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FreeCalc: Calculate sample size for freedom testing with imperfect tests

Calculate the required sample size and cut-point for testing to demonstrate population freedom from disease using imperfect tests an allowing for small populations.

This utility uses the methods described by:
Cameron and Baldock (1998): A new probability formula for surveys to substantiate freedom from disease. Prev. Vet. Med. 34:1-17 and
Cameron (1999): Survey Toolbox for Livestock Diseases - A practical manual and software package for active surveillance of livestock diseases in developing countries. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia.
These methods are also the same as those used in the FreeCalc Program.

Inputs include:

  • Size of the population sampled;
  • Test sensitivity and specificity;
  • Design prevalence (the hypothetical prevalence to be detected). Design prevalence can be specified as either a fixed number of elements from the population or a proportion of the population;
  • Type I (1 - population-sensitivity) and Type II (1 - population-specificity) error values for determining whether to accept/reject the null or alternative hypothesis;
  • Calculation method: hypergeometric (for small populations), or simple binomial (for large populations);
  • The population size threshold, above which the simple binomial method is used regardless of which calculation method has been selected;
  • The maximum upper limit for required sample size; and
  • The desired precision of results (number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point).

The results are presented as:

  • The minimum sample size and corresponding cut-point number of positives to achieve the specified type I and type II errors for the given population, design prevalence and test performance;
  • achieved type I and Type II error levels and corresponding population-level sensitivities and specificities;
  • A descriptive interpretation of the results; and
  • an error message if the desired error levels cannot be achieved within the limits of populatuon and/or maximum sample size.

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# Program to do freecalc calculations  for sample size
# uses RSurveillance package

x<- 1
rm(list = ls())
test<- ifelse(length(commandArgs()) == 2, TRUE, FALSE)
fpath<- ifelse(test, "webRootUrl", "rtoolsPath")
# cat("
Test:",length(commandArgs())) # load header scripts source(paste(fpath, "R/epi_head.R", sep = "")) source(paste(fpath, "R/HTMLStream.R", sep = "")) source(paste(fpath, "R/epitools_functions.r", sep = "")) # extract command arguments 1 = se, 2 = sp, 3 = population size, 4 = number of diseased elements, # 5 = sample size, 6 = number positive, # 7 = method, 8 = type1 error, 9 = type2 error, 10 = max sample size, 11 = infinite population threshold # method 1 = modified hypergeomertric, 2 = modified binomial, 3 = simple binomial # cat("
", a0[20:22]) a1<- type.convert(a0[8:17]) # cat("
", a1) N<- a1[1] # population size se<- a1[2] # test sensitivity sp<- a1[3] # test specificity dis<- a1[4] # number/prevalence of diseased elemnets prev.type<- ifelse(dis < 1, 1, 0) # 0 = number of diseased elements, 1 = prevalence # n<- a1[5] # sample size # n.pos<- a1[6] # observed number positive type1<- a1[5] # type I error type2<- a1[6] # type II error method<- a1[7] # calculation method 0 = hypergeo, 1 = binom approx, 2 = simple binom pop.threshold<- a1[8] # Infinite population threshold<- a1[9] # maximum sample size option<- 0 # calculation option - 0 = sample size, 1 = analyse data digits<- a1[10] # number of digits in results prec<- 10^-digits prev<- ifelse(prev.type, dis, dis/N) dis<- ifelse(prev.type, max(1, round(dis*N, 0)), dis) method<- ifelse(N > pop.threshold, 2, method) method.lst<- c("Modified hypergeometric exact", "Modified binomial approximation", "Simple binomial (large population)") heading<- c("FreeCalc sample size estimation", "FreeCalc data analysis") filename<- digest(Sys.time) tmp.path<- paste(fpath, "tmp/", sep = "") tmp.file<- paste(fpath, "tmp/", filename, sep = "") sinkfile<- paste(fpath, "tmp/", filename, ".txt", sep="") # fpath, # cat(46) inputs<- array("", dim = c(11, 1)) inputs[1:3,1]<- a1[1:3] inputs[4,1]<- prev inputs[5,1]<- dis inputs[6:7,1]<- a1[5:6] inputs[8,1]<- method.lst[method+1] inputs[9:11,1]<- a1[8:10] rownames(inputs)<- c("Population size", "Test sensitivity", "Test specificity", "Design prevalence", "Diseased units", "Target Type I error", "Target Type II error", "Analysis method", "Population threshold for binomial default", "Maximum sample size", "Digits") # cat("
method:", method) # function to get cut-point for given sample size get.cp<- function(n.cp, se, sp, type2) { cp<- 0 SpH<- 0 while (SpH < 1-type2) { cp<- cp+1 # probability of observed result from diseas-free popn SpH<- sph.binom(n.cp, cp, sp) } return (list("cp" = cp, "SpH" = SpH)) } # end of get.cp # function to do sample size calcuations<- function(N, se, sp, prev, type1, type2, dis, method, method.lst, maxSS) { N1<- min(N, maxSS) brks<- c(50, 100, 1000, 5000, 10000, Inf) steps<- c(5, 10, 50, 100, 200) step<- steps[which(N1 < brks)[1]] ss<- seq(0, N1, by = step) ss[1]<- 1 if (length(ss) == 1) ss[2]<- N1 cp<- 0 SpH<- 0 SeH<- 0 P1<- 0 success<- F for (s in 1:length(ss)) { tmp<- get.cp(ss[s], se, sp, type2) cp[s]<- tmp[[1]] SpH[s]<- tmp[[2]] if (identical(method, 2) || N > pop.threshold) { # simple binomial P1[s]<- 1-sep.binom.imperfect(ss[s], cp[s], se, sp, prev) } else { # modified hypergeometric exact P1[s]<- 1-sep.freecalc(N,ss[s], cp[s],se,sp,prev) } SeH[s]<- 1-P1[s] cp[s]<- cp[s]-1 if (P1[s] <= type1) { success<- T n1<- ss[s] break } } # end of s loop if (success) { ss[(s+1):(s+step)]<- (ss[s-1]+1):(ss[s-1]+step) for (x in 1:step) { tmp<- get.cp(ss[s+x], se, sp, type2) cp[s+x]<- tmp[[1]] SpH[s+x]<- tmp[[2]] if (identical(method, 2) || N > pop.threshold) { # simple binomial P1[s+x]<- 1-sep.binom.imperfect(ss[s+x], cp[s+x], se, sp, prev) } else { # modified hypergeometric exact P1[s+x]<- 1-sep.freecalc(N,ss[s+x], cp[s+x],se,sp,prev) } SeH[s+x]<- 1-P1[s+x] cp[s+x]<- cp[s+x]-1 if (P1[s+x] <= type1) { success<- T n1<- ss[s+x] break } } # end of x loop result<- array("", dim = c(8, 1)) rownames(result)<- c("Required sample size:", "Cut-point number of positives:", "Type I error:", "Type II error:", "Population-level sensitivity:", "Population-level specificity:", "Interpretation:", "Method:") result[1,1]<- n1 result[2,1]<- cp[s+x] result[3,1]<- round(1-SeH[s+x], digits) result[4,1]<- round(1-SpH[s+x], digits) result[5,1]<- round(SeH[s+x], digits) result[6,1]<- round(SpH[s+x], digits) result[7,1]<- paste("If a random sample of ", n1, " units is taken from a population of ", N, " and ", cp[s+x], " or fewer reactors are found, the probability that the population is diseased at a prevalence of ", prev, " is ", round(1-SeH[s+x], digits), ".", sep = "") result[8,1]<- method.lst[method+1] return(list(success, "result" = result, "n" = ss[1:(s+x)], "seh" = SeH[1:(s+x)], "sph" = SpH[1:(s+x)], "cp" = cp[1:(s+x)], P1[1:(s+x)], "sam.size" = (s+x))) } else { result<- array("", dim = c(1, 1)) result[1,1]<- ifelse(identical(N1, N), "Unable to achieve required accuracy by sampling every unit", paste("Unable to achieve required accuracy by sampling every unit up to the maximum sample size of ", maxSS, ".", sep = "")) return(list(success, "result" = result)) } # end of if/else # return(list("seh"=SeH, "sph"=SpH, "cp"=cp, "sam.size"=n1, "success"=success)) } # end of function # cat("
", N) tmp<-, se, sp, prev, type1, type2, dis, method, method.lst, # cat("
", test) success<- tmp[[1]] result<- tmp[[2]] if (success) { ss<- tmp[[3]] SeH<- round(tmp[[4]], digits) SpH<- round(tmp[[5]], digits) cp.list<- tmp[[6]] P1<- round(tmp[[7]], digits) n<- tmp[[8]] cp<- cp.list[n] result1<- cbind("n" = ss, SeH, SpH, "Cut-point" = cp.list, "Type 1 error" = P1, "Type 2 error" = 1-SpH) } tmp<- gsub("", "", result) result.txt<- gsub("", "", tmp) # cat("
Test:", method)<- file(paste(tmp.file, "_result.xls", sep = ""), open = "wt") writeLines(c(heading[option+1], date(), ""), con = writeLines("Inputs", con = write.table(inputs, file =, sep = "\t", append = T, col.names = F) writeLines(c("", "Results"), con = write.table(result.txt, file =, sep = "\t", append = T, col.names = F, row.names = T) if (success) { writeLines(c("", "Detailed Results"), con = write.table(result1, file =, sep = "\t", append = T, col.names = F, row.names = T) } close( # output results d1<- paste(substr(date(), 1, 10), substr(date(), 20,24), " @", substr(date(), 11, 16)) # reformat headers output<- paste("

", heading[option+1], "

\n") output<- paste(output, "

", "Analysed: ", d1, "

\n", sep="") output<- paste(output, "


\n") output<- paste(output, HTMLStream(inputs, cellborder = 0, classfirstline = "mbg", classfirstcolumn = "mbg", classcellinside = "left_mar", cellalign = "center", align = "left")) output<- paste(output, "


\n") output<- paste(output, HTMLStream(result, cellborder = 0, classfirstline = "mbg", classfirstcolumn = "mbg", classcellinside = "left_mar", cellalign = "left", align = "left")) if (success) { output<- paste(output, "

Download excel file of results

\n") output<- paste(output, "Detailed results
\n", sep = "") } # email.results(email, output, fpath, filename, "freecalc2") cat(output)